
WELCOME to my blog page! If you have any questions concerning real estate, call me at 573-761-3485, or email me at hankvogt@yahoo.com , or visit my website at http://www.hankshouses.com/ . Thanks for stopping by, and come back often for information, tips, and news concerning the real estate market in Jefferson city!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Jefferson City Real Estate Monthly Newsletter

If you would like to receive a monthly news letter from me via email, You can go to my website at http://www.hankshouses.com/, sign up as a customer, and you will be placed on the list. You will NOT receive endless promotions or junk mail from me. You will get a letter thanking you for signing up, and a "welcome to my website". After that unless you request additional information, you will just receive the monthly newsletter. There are a wide variety of topics covered in the news letters:

Buying / Selling Tips
Staging your home to sell
Maintenance / updating / improvement info
Market Conditions
Mortgage , tax, and insurance info

You will recieve the newsletter early each month at the email address you provide. You can cancel at any time, and I do not give your address to other vendors.

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